File preparation for printing
Accepted format:
Mock-up should be a scale of 1: 1 or 1:10,
TIFF, CDR (v.9-13), PDF, EPS Layout should not contain fonts – they should be converted into curves. Entire layout should be in a single layer. It shouldn’t contain transparency effect or similar.
File should be in CMYK color format. In the case of export from RGB to CMYK, the color accuracy isn’t correct, claims are not accepted. The black color in all the files – C75M75Y75K100. PDF files with color-divid will not print correctly,that’s why they are not accepted.
File resolution must be no less than 150dpi. Mock-up must be submitted to the contour withour cropmarks. You have to ad JPG file showing how the final printout should look like.
If the files are less than 10MB send them straight to e-mail If file is between 10-500MB then put the on server or use such sites as, wetransfer or any other.